1 Root Letter: Last Answer – Day One Edition
Root Letter: Last Answer – Day One Edition
Interesante el precio al que podemos encontrar ahora mismo este producto, podríamos decir que en el momento de publicar esta oferta, el producto recomendado esta a un precio barato o incluso muy barato, aprovecha la oferta antes de que se acabe !
2¿Dónde Comprar más barato?
¿Dónde Comprar más barato?
Los sitios que venden este producto y donde puedes comprar pueden ser sitios muy diversos.
Sin embargo, nosotros hemos rastreado las mejores webs y te recomendamos esta oferta de Amazon:
3Características Generales
Características Generales
- The return of the best-selling interactive mystery visual novel!
- Solve a 15 year-old mystery - a school friend, a tragic murder, and the truth behind their disappearance!
- An interactive visual novel - search for clues, confront former friends and uncover items and evidence!
- A new way to enjoy the story - New live-action mode brings Shimane's locations and residents to life! The complete experience - Brand new epilogues and several gameplay improvements
- A story with different outcomes - Choose carefully and shape a story with up to five different endings
4Imagenes del prducto
Imagenes del prducto
5Resumen del Producto
Resumen del Producto
Root Letter: Last Answer - Day One Edition
- The return of the best-selling interactive mystery visual novel!
- Solve a 15 year-old mystery - a school friend, a tragic murder, and the truth behind their disappearance!
- An interactive visual novel - search for clues, confront former friends and uncover items and evidence!
Last update was on: julio 20, 2023 7:58 am
- The return of the best-selling interactive mystery visual novel!
- Solve a 15 year-old mystery - a school friend, a tragic murder, and the truth behind their disappearance!
- An interactive visual novel - search for clues, confront former friends and uncover items and evidence!
- A new way to enjoy the story - New live-action mode brings Shimane's locations and residents to life! The complete experience - Brand new epilogues and several gameplay improvements
- A story with different outcomes - Choose carefully and shape a story with up to five different endings
Root Letter: Last Answer - Day One Edition
- The return of the best-selling interactive mystery visual novel!
- Solve a 15 year-old mystery - a school friend, a tragic murder, and the truth behind their disappearance!
- An interactive visual novel - search for clues, confront former friends and uncover items and evidence!
Last update was on: julio 20, 2023 7:58 am
- The return of the best-selling interactive mystery visual novel!
- Solve a 15 year-old mystery - a school friend, a tragic murder, and the truth behind their disappearance!
- An interactive visual novel - search for clues, confront former friends and uncover items and evidence!
- A new way to enjoy the story - New live-action mode brings Shimane's locations and residents to life! The complete experience - Brand new epilogues and several gameplay improvements
- A story with different outcomes - Choose carefully and shape a story with up to five different endings